Welcome to Raisina Bengali School
The Raisina Bengali School, established in 1925, is one of the premier educational institutions in the heart of the National Capital of Delhi. It has, since then, left its indelible imprint in educational, social and cultural fields through its illustrious students who have made themselves indispensable in the fields of Medicine, Science, Art, Administration and sports not only in India but also in other parts of the world. Today’s Raisina is a Vatican in the field of education in India. Our school has already celebrated many grand festivals like Silver Jubilee, Golden Jubilee, Diamond Jubilee and the 70th year with luminaries like Chaudhury Brahma Prakash First Chief Minister of Delhi, ex-Presidents Late Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, Late Giani Zail Singh, ex-Prime Minister Late Rajiv Gandhi, Chief Minister Shri Jyoti Basu, Retd. Chief Justice Shri P.N. Bhagwati, ex-Lt. Governors of Delhi Shri D.R.Kohli, Shri Jagmohan, Shri H.L.Kapoor and Retd. General Shri Shankar Roychoudhury as distinguished visitors.
The school has celebrated Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee in the year 1975 and 1985 respectively. We had had the honour to have with us the then President of India Late Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed and Late Giani Zail Singh on both the occasion

Education is not preparation for life but Education is life itself. .
Education is not filling a pail but the lighting of a fire. .